I stand here wondering – Poem – Inspired by a painting

This poem was inspired by a painting from my friend Leslie White at Lesliepaints. You can see the painting here.

I stand here wondering

mainecoast Painted by Leslie White

mainecoast Painted by Leslie White

I stand here wondering
looking back at you over my shoulder
Watching you

You there
Hands on hips
Long shadow cut short at the edge

I stand here wondering
Staring down at wave and foam
Thinking about our lives

You there
Body facing toward the ocean
Are the gaps insurmountable
You got there
Can I

I see the beauty
I see the gaps
I see a future
I see danger
The breeze brings excitement
The sand cascades into the confusion of water

Bring your eyes to mine
I’m trying
The gap will be fine
Are you sure
Look at me and our potential
I need more time

Time is the ocean
Full of potential
Time is the ocean
Widening gaps
We’ll be stranded
We’ll be together



Stephen Kellogg – 2010

About Stephen Kellogg

Poetry, Ponderings, Prose, Photos & Pounding out the Pathways All at my blog... I hope you'll take a few minutes to wander around the site. Not all of what you read there will be happy or sad etc. but I trust my writings, photos etc will encourage, touch, inspire or just make you think…. I really appreciate feedback!! Thanks and enjoy Peace! Stephen Kellogg All of my writings, pictures etc are original works, unless otherwise noted, and should be considered copyrighted.
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5 Responses to I stand here wondering – Poem – Inspired by a painting

  1. lesliepaints says:

    I love that you made a story about the two figures from my painting, Stephen. How cool. I am flattered.

    • Leslie,
      Thanks for the comments and thanks even more for continuing to inspire poems with your expressive and beautiful art work. To me the two figures said a lot, especially in that setting / landscape. Thanks too for allowing me to put your paintings on my blog.



  2. Pingback: Maine Coastline « Leslie White

  3. Yousei Hime says:

    Oh, I hadn’t seen this painting. It’s not typical Leslie. Nice and and nicely paired with your words.

  4. Yousei,
    I really liked the expression and emotion portrayed in the people in this painting. Thanks for the feedback.



Your thoughts?