For those interested, I’ve just started a second blog where I will post post my photography. Please take a minute to check it out and if you like it, subscribe.


Stephen Kellogg's Photography

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About Stephen Kellogg

Poetry, Ponderings, Prose, Photos & Pounding out the Pathways All at my blog... I hope you'll take a few minutes to wander around the site. Not all of what you read there will be happy or sad etc. but I trust my writings, photos etc will encourage, touch, inspire or just make you thinkā€¦. I really appreciate feedback!! Thanks and enjoy Peace! Stephen Kellogg All of my writings, pictures etc are original works, unless otherwise noted, and should be considered copyrighted.
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2 Responses to

  1. Deborah Avila says:

    Gorgeous Friend ! Thank you!~Deborah

  2. Deborah,
    Thank you! If you enjoyed this one, take a look at the other blog if you haven’t already done so. There are several more flowers up there now.



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